- Reaction Vessel
- V Cone Blender Mixer
- Condenser / Heat Exchanger
- Pressure Vessels
- Distillation Unit
- Pilot Reaction Unit
- Sigma Mixer
- Ribbon Blender
- ETO Sterilizer Machine
- Ethylene Oxide Sterilizer
- ETO Sterilizer for Hospital
- Cath lab ETo Sterilizer
- Horizontal Autoclave
- Cylindrical Autoclave
- Eto Sterilizer Exporter in India
- Reaction Vessel Exporter in India
- Ribbon Blender Mixer
- sigma mixer manufacturer
- sigma mixer manufacturer india
- Ribbon Blender
Pharma process Equipment
- Pharmacutical Equipment
- Pharma Manufacturing Preocess
- Ointment Manufacturing Plant
- Syrup Manufacturing Plant
Mass Mixer for Pharmaceutical Tablet Powder
We manufacture better quality of pharmaceuticals equipments that are used for producing powders and particulate in the pharmaceutical industry. The pharmaceutical processing equipment includes low capacity dryers designed for specific potent powders as well as industrial size plants for permanent operation under strict hygiene standards. The product applications include preparation of analgesics, antibiotics, enzymes, proteins, vaccines and vitamins.
- Suitable for mixing of dry & wet material.
- All contact parts in stainless steel.
- Paddles so arranged on the shaft to give thorough uniform mixing.
- Tilting arrangement, reversible switch and safety switch to stop the mixer as soon as the cover is opened.
Mass mixers are special pharmaceutical machinery used for through mixing of wet as well as dry or lump material, especially suited for tablet granulation.
The Mass Mixer Machine is basically mixing an assembly wherein the mixing stirrer is in horizontal position in the container Mass Mixer & has a single speed, simple rotation. The stirrer rotates around itself at a very slow speed inside the bowl and thereby achieving intimate mixing of dry or wet materials of Tablet Granulation, Powder, Chemicals, and Food & Confectionaries Materials.