About Us
Chemical Machinery manufacturer
Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Paint Process Plants and Machines manufactured by us are based on proven technologies presently operating successfully in India and Overseas. Therefore there is no delay in commissioning of plants & machinery manufactured by us. Due to our sound knowledge and working methods our client is kept well informed of all the hurdles he may face before and after commissioning of the Plant. This we do in direct consultation with actual manufacturers in our country and with our highly experienced associates. Lastly the plants supplied by us are cost effective, utilizing low labour and keeps the clients best interest in mind. Spares are readily available.
Chemical Process Plant and Equipment we manufacturing
EtO gas is a gas that sterilises via its action as a powerful alkylating agent. EtO Prevents cell reproduction and such can kill all known virses, becteria and fung, including beacterial spores. EtO is compatible with a number of mateials. It is commenly used in the medical field for the sterilization of medical equipment and medical disposable manufacturer and hospitals are among some of "ABF" major customersfor this process. Abster™ Equipment Provides ETO Sterilizer which can be used in the following.
- I.V. Cannula
- 3 Way Stop Cock
- Syringes
- I.V. Infusion Set
- BT Set
- Gastro Enterology
- Urology
- Cardio Thoracic Surgery
- Thoracic Catheters and Connectors
- Sterile latex gloves
- Syringe With Catheter Mount
- Surgeon's Gown
- Micro Drop Infusion Set With Flow Rate Controller
- ETO Sterilizer Machine
- Chemical Machinery & Equipment
- Pharmaceutical Equipment
- Paint Machinery
- Resin Manufacturing Plant & Machinery
- Ethylene Oxide Sterilizer
- ETO Sterilizer for Hospital
- Cath lab ETo Sterilizer
- Horizontal Autoclave
- Cylindrical Autoclave
- Pvc Solvent Cement Adhesive Machine
- Eto Sterilizer Exporter in India
- Reaction Vessel Exporter in India
- Ribbon Blender Mixer
- sigma mixer manufacturer
- sigma mixer manufacturer india
- Ribbon Blender