Butter Churner
Capacity : As per Customers requirment from 50 liter to 5000 liters.
The Electric Butter Churner is used for churning the cream and to prepare the cream spread. This is done through a mechanical procedure, often by the means of a hammer like material present within the machine which beats the spread from the top and prepares a plain spread of cream which is again used for various purposes. When the cream is churned out from the milk it leaves the butter milk behind which is also an important by-product of milk and this is again used for various purposes too.
We also offer our clients the butter churns with the following features, specifications and functional requirements :
The churn should be designed for perfect control of moisture and also should be suitable for table butter.
- Capacity - Barrel capacity : 500L Loading capacity : 300L
- Body - The churning barrel (Shell & dish) and beaters should be fabricated from stainless steel conforming to AISI 316 in 4 mm.thk. sheet
- Frame - The frame of churn made from 2.5 NB.'C'class m.s. pipe& 75 x 40 'C ' channel
- Drive arrangement - The drive arrangement shall consist of reduction gear box for a speed of 12 & 24 rpm. The drive arrangement should be complete with two speed electric motor, chain drive, electrical push button panel to operate the churn in two different speeds.
- Accessories -
- doors Leak-proof hinged Door of size 350 x 350 mm clear opening with proper locking arrangement in both open & closed position and made from s.s. 316 / 4 mm. thk. sheet and provided with 'U ' type nitrile gasket of dairy standard.
- Sight glass Dia 130 x 12 mm.thk. Flange s.s. 316 ,toughened glass.
- Drain cock Dia. 25 mm drain cock used for butter milk drain.
- Air release cock Dia. 25 mm , To release the air from the churn barrel.
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